Knowledge of the language is only the basis, the foundation of the translator’s activity. To become a master in this business, you need to pay attention to other aspects of the work. What makes a professional English translator different?
Knowledge of the language is only the basis, the foundation of the translator’s activity. A true professional uses in his work a large number of special skills, skills that allow you to make a high-quality translation. Both interpreters and translators are characterized by common professional traits by which one can distinguish a superficial linguist from a master of their craft. The professional is undoubtedly:
Knows the language at the native speaker level. Fluently perceives heard English speech, speaks fluently, reads, writes. Understands the culture of the people, the traditions of the country, the specifics of the development or use of the language. Fluent in various speech genres, both in his own language and in a foreign language. Such people can be said to belong to both cultural groups.
He is fluent in all translation techniques. The structure of the English language, the rules for constructing sentences require the master to be able to perform lexical movements, additions, make omissions, and select synonyms. Apply descriptive or complex types of translation, methods of speech compression. Skillful use of techniques allows you to get a text that is correctly structured in Russian, but at the same time, exactly corresponding to the original in meaning.
Possesses the necessary special skills: knows how to use dictionaries, knows how and where to find the necessary information. I am familiar with special automated translation programs. He is fluent in translation shorthand – the method of abbreviated text writing. At the same time, a professional translator from English constantly increases his vocabulary, monitors new trends. He reads a lot, improving his vocabulary.
Does not allow deviations from the norms of the language in the texts: neither oral nor written translation. Often, beginners seek to present the text or the speech they have heard as close to the text as possible, as a result of which they translate phrases literally. The literal translation of English often violates the rules of the Russian language and requires significant editing.
Endowed with flexible, imaginative thinking and active perception of reality. Knows how to work in a stressful environment, in conditions of lack of time. Able to quickly make speech decisions and be responsible for them. In the presence of distractions, it maintains a normal speech tempo.
A professional translator has clear diction without speech defects. He knows how to competently, clearly formulate sentences, does not use speech stamps, and also does not use words-parasites.
Observes professional ethics. Respects the personal, individual characteristics of authors, customers and colleagues.
Knows the legal intricacies of translation activities. Working with other people’s texts is inextricably linked with copyright. A competent specialist knows exactly how to meet the interests of all parties.
It is very difficult for an inexperienced customer to discern all the professional qualities in a translator. He cannot see exactly how the specialist works, what tools he uses. It is difficult for someone who does not know English to evaluate the quality of the translation. The cooperation of the contractor with the customer is rather confidential.