Denmark is a small country located on the peninsula, therefore shipbuilding and trade have always played an important role for it, on the basis of which, over time, the main directions of translation activity were formed. Danish translation bureaus are located in different cities of this country and offer translation and interpretation services, text editing, dubbing of video materials. The most famous and largest agencies are located in the capital city of Copenhagen, they cooperate with major companies in Denmark and abroad. Many translation bureaus have websites that are available, in addition to Danish, in English, German (mainstream) or Swedish. The Danish translation market and itself is comparatively small, the competition is small and does not change significantly.
Recently, thanks to the growth of external relations, for example, with Russia, the need for translation of financial and economic documents, translations in the field of energy supply and industry has increased. A fairly large part of all translations are texts from the field of shipbuilding, which is especially true for port cities. Recently, financial and economic, legal and technical translation has been actively developing.
The main areas of translation are computer technology, trade, medicine, shipbuilding, business correspondence. Technical translators working in the fields of energy, shipbuilding and electronics are in demand. Although Denmark has only one official language (Danish), there are also minority languages - German, Greenlandic, English. In this regard, translation in the field of cinema and animation is quite widespread and in demand, in particular, translation of subtitles for the domestic market and professional dubbing of audio recordings and videos.
The most common are translations into English, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, Russian, German. Danish itself is also in demand. Less common are Spanish, French, Italian, Greek. Oriental and Arabic languages are also in relatively low demand.
Prices are relatively low, from 0.15 to 50 euros, depending on the type of translation and the language. At the same time, within the country, payments for transfers are most often carried out in Danish kroner, but for foreign companies there is an opportunity to make payments in euros.